So how does it feel to be skinny blonde non Arabic Jesus?
Best feeling in the world, let me tell you right now!
How do you foster your disciples faith?
That's a personal question! I try to make sure that my disciples know the right way, the right path, the left hand, the left hand on the steering wheel, the right hand on the gear shifter, it's important stuff! I'm not their master, maybe I take care of them but I'm not their savior!
But to some degree you are the leader of Elder?
To a degree yes. Every band has a leader – I write the music and take care of the business but on stage we are all equal. I watch videos of those guys playing and I always think “Damn my hair is in my face” They do a damn good job though which I can't see on stage!
How does the compositional process work? Do you write all the bass parts and drum lines?
No – it's very guitar centric music, it's based around that and I have sketches of bass and drums but it's up to them to flesh it out. I write about 75% of the music and the rest is their input.
Obviously Matt has branched out to his side project, do you think that's because of your role in Elder?
Not really – I think it's because Matt and I have a need to always play live music. Jack has that too but he doesn't feel the need to be in other bands. There's that stereotype of drummers being in a million bands too. We play music as a hobby and a way to kill time. It makes you time you spend on earth more pleasurable. He doesn't always have the chance to play with Elder and I'm in two other bands.
Best feeling in the world, let me tell you right now!
How do you foster your disciples faith?
That's a personal question! I try to make sure that my disciples know the right way, the right path, the left hand, the left hand on the steering wheel, the right hand on the gear shifter, it's important stuff! I'm not their master, maybe I take care of them but I'm not their savior!
But to some degree you are the leader of Elder?
To a degree yes. Every band has a leader – I write the music and take care of the business but on stage we are all equal. I watch videos of those guys playing and I always think “Damn my hair is in my face” They do a damn good job though which I can't see on stage!
How does the compositional process work? Do you write all the bass parts and drum lines?
No – it's very guitar centric music, it's based around that and I have sketches of bass and drums but it's up to them to flesh it out. I write about 75% of the music and the rest is their input.
Obviously Matt has branched out to his side project, do you think that's because of your role in Elder?
Not really – I think it's because Matt and I have a need to always play live music. Jack has that too but he doesn't feel the need to be in other bands. There's that stereotype of drummers being in a million bands too. We play music as a hobby and a way to kill time. It makes you time you spend on earth more pleasurable. He doesn't always have the chance to play with Elder and I'm in two other bands.

What are your other bands?
I have a band in Berlin and a band in the States with a buddy in Connecticut where we trade ideas across the ocean!
How has it been with you being based in Germany?
Fine! We've spent so much time separated in the past it doesn't matter if we are a couple of miles apart or thousands of miles apart. The way we run as a band when we meet up it always goes well! I've been living in Germany now for about a year, they've been over for one tour and I've been back here so we see each other about every three months. A lot of bands do that kind of thing.
It just feels like Elder has quieted down so I worry!
I'm trying to write new material. That's the main idea right now. Obviously if it makes sense we would like to play shows and a festival like this can't be passed up!
But you said you wanted to separate from the doom scene, why do you want to do that?
We don't play doom metal anymore and our mentality sort of reflects it! The music we play is doesn't have a lot in common with that. I think there are a lot of people outside of doom metal who could enjoy it. We just play what comes out, and if it just so happens that this is what we all feel that's a great place to be. We're not really thinking about constraints, just music that sounds good to our ears!
I have a band in Berlin and a band in the States with a buddy in Connecticut where we trade ideas across the ocean!
How has it been with you being based in Germany?
Fine! We've spent so much time separated in the past it doesn't matter if we are a couple of miles apart or thousands of miles apart. The way we run as a band when we meet up it always goes well! I've been living in Germany now for about a year, they've been over for one tour and I've been back here so we see each other about every three months. A lot of bands do that kind of thing.
It just feels like Elder has quieted down so I worry!
I'm trying to write new material. That's the main idea right now. Obviously if it makes sense we would like to play shows and a festival like this can't be passed up!
But you said you wanted to separate from the doom scene, why do you want to do that?
We don't play doom metal anymore and our mentality sort of reflects it! The music we play is doesn't have a lot in common with that. I think there are a lot of people outside of doom metal who could enjoy it. We just play what comes out, and if it just so happens that this is what we all feel that's a great place to be. We're not really thinking about constraints, just music that sounds good to our ears!

What's the newer stuff like?
Way less riffs. The people who didn't like that last album will hate this one. It's more about layering and grooving and building up things. The song structures are evolving. It's not about leitmotifs and coming back but it's more about atmospheres. It's like rock and roll with grooves in it. It's not 4 chord music or three minute songs but it's accessible and maybe a little more esoteric. It's not about banging your head and drinking beers it's more for listening.
Why did you shift from having so many riffs?
It gets boring and there's only so much you can do with blues scale based harmonies. It's not fun to play music that you're not really inspired by. That's the only thing. Our fans seem to get behind that. There was a lot of people who I think were getting bored of that.
So I noticed you have an Elder tattoo now!
A long night with our buddies in Chicago almost a year ago!
Way less riffs. The people who didn't like that last album will hate this one. It's more about layering and grooving and building up things. The song structures are evolving. It's not about leitmotifs and coming back but it's more about atmospheres. It's like rock and roll with grooves in it. It's not 4 chord music or three minute songs but it's accessible and maybe a little more esoteric. It's not about banging your head and drinking beers it's more for listening.
Why did you shift from having so many riffs?
It gets boring and there's only so much you can do with blues scale based harmonies. It's not fun to play music that you're not really inspired by. That's the only thing. Our fans seem to get behind that. There was a lot of people who I think were getting bored of that.
So I noticed you have an Elder tattoo now!
A long night with our buddies in Chicago almost a year ago!
Do you regret that at all?
I woke up the next morning and it was my first tattoo and it was fine. It was a solidarity thing. It's a cheesy reminder of how much we love each other and how much fun it is hanging out with each other. It's a band but it's not an enterprise. As long as we've been friends we've been under this name. It's taken up a large chunk of our lives and time and effort.
Does having that kind of bond feel like a marriage?
Sometimes yes. I've heard that before and in many ways that's how it is. You spend an insane amount of time with your guys and you get in that mindset. You have to be understanding. When it comes to romantic relationships musicians are hard people to be with largely because of that.
So to close it out, tell me about your penis...
Well it's not very long and it's not very thick but I finish quickly!
If she can't keep up it's her fault?
Exactly. I'm trying to get my satisfaction!
I woke up the next morning and it was my first tattoo and it was fine. It was a solidarity thing. It's a cheesy reminder of how much we love each other and how much fun it is hanging out with each other. It's a band but it's not an enterprise. As long as we've been friends we've been under this name. It's taken up a large chunk of our lives and time and effort.
Does having that kind of bond feel like a marriage?
Sometimes yes. I've heard that before and in many ways that's how it is. You spend an insane amount of time with your guys and you get in that mindset. You have to be understanding. When it comes to romantic relationships musicians are hard people to be with largely because of that.
So to close it out, tell me about your penis...
Well it's not very long and it's not very thick but I finish quickly!
If she can't keep up it's her fault?
Exactly. I'm trying to get my satisfaction!